A Letter to God Introduction
The story, “A Letter to God” by G.L Fuentes revolves around the idea of having unquestionable belief in something. The story is set in a Latin American country. Lencho, the farmer, who is the protagonist of the story, writes a letter to God seeking help from the almighty after discovering his entire crop yield destroyed by a devastating hailstorm. Although, his wishes get fulfilled partially, if not completely, he is ungrateful in the end and questions the honesty and modesty of the post-masters who actually helped him with money (anonymously) in the name of god.

Characters of the Story
A poor farmer and his family live on the peak of a low hill. He was a devout follower of God. He is innocent, hopeful, concerned, and accountable.
A big, friendly guy who helped Lencho keep his faith in God. On God’s behalf, he donated a portion of his salary to Lencho’s charity.
Employees of the Post Office
People who assisted Lencho at the postmaster’s request. When they saw the letter, they laughed at Lencho yet supported him in his time of need. Lencho described them as a bunch of crooks.