Acknowlegement: Mr. Shahrukh Kersy Mehta–Vice Principal and HOD English-Vashishtha Genesis Global School.
The story is written by Nick Middleton. This chapter is about the narrator’s journey from slopes of Ravu to Mount Kailash to complete the kora. To bid him farewell, Lhamo gave him a long sleeve sheepskin coat. He hired Tsetan’s car for his journey and took Daniel along to escort him to Darchen.
Summary of Silk Road
silk Road summary is about the author’s journey which starts from slopes of Ravu to Mt. Kailash. This was to complete the kora. Thus, it gives us an account of the journey they experience. Moreover, the main aim of the journey was religious mostly. We see that the author wishes to complete the journey to Mt. Kailash. Thus, in order to embark on this pilgrimage journey, he chooses a tough one. Further, the author hires Tsetan and takes along Daniel as an acquaintance to chaperon him to Darchen. Consequently, we learn about his journey and his experience through the Silk Road. He mentions how the people in hilly areas are rather sensitive. The author goes on to witness the beauty of Lake Mansarovar and Darchen. Moreover, he faces a lot of difficulties but is able to complete his pilgrimage due to his undeterred faith.



Silk Road Summary Class 11 Chapter 8 Introduction
Silk Road: The story is written by Nick Middleton. This chapter is about the narrator’s adventure from the slopes of Ravu to Mount Kailash to finish the kora. To bid him farewell, Lhamo gave him an extended-sleeve sheepskin coat. He hired Tsetan’s car for his adventure and took Daniel to escort him to Darchen.
This chapter is part of a travelogue about the author’s travel along the ancient trade routes called ‘Silk Road’ regions as they are now. This account of the Silk Road, with its contrasts and exotic detail, describes the challenges and hardships the author faced while journeying to Mount Kailash on a pilgrimage.




Lhamo’s Parting Gift – Mark of Tibetan Hospitality

A shortcut to Mount Kailash On the way to Hor

On the way to Hor – Drokbas (Drokpas) Dark tents in ‘splendid isolation

Tibetan Mastiffs Ice on the trail

On the way to Hor-driving on the snow-covered trail

At 5,400 meters
The sun shining brightly
At a height of 5,400 metres
- The narrator feeling uncomfortable
Head throbbing horribly
Gulps of water taken
Climbing to 5,500 metres
The top of the pass at 5,500 feet Marked by a large cairn of rocks - Festooned with silk scarves and ragged prayer flags
Checking the tyres
The fuel tank unscrewed
Atmospheric pressure on fuel
Why do I get a headache when I hike? When

Salt Lake The Origin of the Tibetan Salt Flats

At Hor

Filthy HOR Holy Manasarovar

Cafe, Hor – One of its kind Legends Us Reality

Darchen – High Altitude Sickness Caught in A Fear of Eternal Sleep

A visit to the Darchen medical college: Isetan – True companion, Great person:

Darchen:Lonely at Darchen:

Norbu, a Tibetan from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Nick’s compromise:

Conclusion of Silk Road
Silk Road Class 11 summary shows us the outcomes of resilience and faith in oneself. The author had to face many challenges, which made him develop a negative attitude towards his journey many times, but he stayed put and was finally able to find someone as interested in the kora as him. Both found common grounds in their motivation towards the pilgrimage. The author ends his travel account on a note of positivity. He finds out that thinking positively does lead to good outcomes in life.

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