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1.Charley was quite an ordinary man from a) Chicago b)Seattle c) New York d) Galesburg.
2) The incident that happened with Charlie took place at the: a) Central Railway Station b) Illinois Railway Station c) New York Station d) Grand Central Station 3.He was in a hurry to get home to his wife a) Helen b) Sarah c) Louisa d) Hannah
The third level platform was: a) well lit and big b) very large c) very dark d) small and ding
The people were dressed in: a) shabby clothes b) party clothes c) old fashioned clothes d) torn clothes
A man pulled out a _________________ from his pocket a) a watch b) a handkerchief c) a derby hat d) a pen
The area was lit up with _ a) gas lamps b) bulbs c) candles d) fireplaces
There were spittoon made of __ a) steel b) brass c) wood d) iron
A newspaper said it was the year a) 1859 b) 1589 c) 1894 d) 1855
People had got into tunnels in the past that lead to places such as the a) Roosevelt Hotel b) Central Park c) Times Square d) Illinois avenue
Charley asked for two tickets to a) 1894 Galesburg b) 1855 Illinois c) 1859 Galesburg d) 1895 New York
The ticket clerk suspected Charley for a) tendering old currency b) tendering real currency. c) tendering fake currency. d) a and c
His friend Sam told him he was a) escaping from the struggles of life by fantasizing. b) struggling to keep up his lifestyle. c) struggling to maintain a good marital relation. d) fantasizing about his life in Galesburg.
Philately is a hobby of a) collecting old stamps b) selling old stamps c) collecting stamps d) buying and selling stamps
Charley not able to get to Galesburg because: a) He had less old money. b) The clerk did not want to sell him the tickets. c) The third level had vanished. d) The door had vanished.
How did Sam reach Galesburg: a) Sam took the St. Curry and Ives train from the second level. b) Sam had learnt from Charley’s mistakes. c) Sam bought a ticket with his currency. d) All the above
Sam reached the old Galesburg__(try self and ans in the comments box) a) and settled himself as a musician. b) and settled himself as a doctor. c) and settled himself as a psychiatrist. d) and settled himself as a trader.
In Galesburg….(try and ans in the comments box) a) The people had not experienced the wars. b) They were not insecure and anxious and required a psychiatrist. c)The people kept to themselves and did not interfere. d) All the above.
The genre of the lesson “third level” is (try and ans in the comment box) a) historical fiction b) tragedy c) science fiction d) fantasy
20) What evidence did Charley have that third level existed:(try and ans in comment box) a) It was his birth place. b) The stamp collection c) His trip to the third level. d) The cover letter from Sam.
21) Sam went to Galesburg…(Try and ans in the comment box) a) with his wife Louisa. b) with Louisa and lots of old currency. c) alone with lots of old currency. d) with his wife, and lots of currency.
Which railway station is central to the story? (a) New Haven and Hartford (b) Trans-Continental (c) Grand Central (d) Oxford Grand Answer: (c) Grand Central
What does ‘The Third Level’ refer to? (a) a level in the game that Charley was playing (b) the third floor of the Roosevelt Hotel (c) the third floor of the office where Charley was working (d) an additional imaginary floor at the Grand Central Station Answer: (d) an additional imaginary floor at the Grand Central Station
“He said I was unhappy. That made my wife kind of mad.” Why did the wife react so? (a) implies marital discord. (b) implies the wife’s incapability to manage the household. (c) implies that the wife is the root of the narrator’s problem. (d) the wife disagrees with the doctor’s diagnosis. Answer: (c) implies that the wife is the root of the narrator’s problem.
The genre of the chapter ‘The Third Level’ is _. (a) science fiction (b) adventure (c) satire (d) drama Answer: (a) Science Fiction
Charley says, “Yes, I’ve taken the obvious step”. Which step is he talking about? (a) entering the Third level (b) narrating the incident to his wife (c) talking to the railroad authorities about the incident (d) talking to his psychiatrist friend about the incident Answer: (d) talking to his psychiatrist friend about the incident
First day covers are __. (a) envelopes mailed by people to themselves on the first day of the year. (b) envelopes mailed by people to themselves on the first day when a new stamp is issued. (c) envelopes mailed by people to themselves on the first day of the month. (d) envelopes mailed by people to their grandfathers on the first day when a new stamp is issued. Answer: (b) envelopes mailed by people to themselves on the first day when a new stamp is issued.
“The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war and worry”. who said this? (a) Charley (b) Psychiartist friend Sam (c) Louisa (d) Grandfather Answer: (b) Psychiartist friend Sam
The date on the newspaper ‘The World’ was _. (a) July 11,1984 (b) June 11, 1894 (c) June 11, 1984 (d) July 11, 1894 Answer: (b) June 11, 1894
Which one of these was NOT seen by Charley when he landed at the Third Level?
(a) The man in the booth wearing a green eyeshade (b) flickering gaslights (c) so many beards, sideburns and fancy mustaches (d) people lining up for the approaching metro Answer: (d) people lining up for the approaching metro
How does Charley describe Galesburg? (a) a serene wonderful town (b) a Utopian city (c) a town for sophisticated people (d) a city bustling with activity Answer: (a) a serene wonderful town
The end of the story brings out __. (a) Satire (b) Pathos (c) Irony (d) Tragedy Answer: (c) Irony
Read the following two statements and identify the correct relation between them. STATEMENT 1 – Charley swears to see a third level at the Grand Central Station. STATEMENT 2 – Charley wants to seek attention. (a) Statement 1 is right but Statement 2 is false. (b) Statement 1 is false but Statement 2 is right. (c) Statement 1and 2 are correct. (d) Statement 1 and 2 are incorrect. Answer: (a) Statement 1 is right but Statement 2 is false.
The comparison of the Grand Central Station with a tree is an example of a __. (a) simile
Why couldn’t Charley purchase the tickets at the third level? (a) he didn’t have adequate amount of money. (b) he didn’t have the proper style of notes. (c) the ticket-collector refused to sell him. (d) he changed his mind at the last minute. Answer: (b) he didn’t have the proper style of notes.
Which face among the given options has a handlebar moustache? (a) face A (b) face B (c) face C (d) face D Answer: (d) face D
What is Charley’s attachment to Galesburg? (a) he went to school there. (b) he learnt farming there. (c) he played professional baseball there. (d) he liked to live in a peaceful town. Answer: (a) he went to school there.
Read the following two statements and select the correct option. STATEMENT 1 – Charley is unhappy with the modern day lifestyle and longs for the simple times. STATEMENT 2 – Charley converted all his money to old-style bills to purchase tickets to Galesburg. (a) Statement 1 is right but Statement 2 is false. (b) Statement 1 is false but Statement 2 is right. (c) Statement 1and 2 are correct. (d) Statement 1 and 2 are incorrect. Answer: (c) Statement 1and 2 are correct.
According to Charley, who was fond of stamp collecting? (a) President Carter (b) President Roosevelt (c) President Garfield (d) President Cleveland Answer: (b) President Roosevelt
Readymade GOOGLE FORMS ✅ The LAST LESSON ( 5O Ques) ✅ MY MOTHER AT SIXTY SIX ( 40 questtions) ✅ THE LOST SPRING ( 35 . Questions) ✅ Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers ( 55 Questions) ✅ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CLASSROOM IN A SLUM ( 50 ✅ THE ENEMY (25 QUESTIONS) ✅ THE THIRD LEVEL (20 Questions updated ) ✅ DEEP WATER
✅✅And yes Much awaited CBSE SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER 2021-22 Converted in a GOOGLE FORM. 👍
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:Dear friends,RESOURCES have been collected from various sources for the purpose of teaching and learning for students and teachers in the times of pandemic.We acknowledge all the resources. we thank all the resources.In this blog you will find related videos of the chapter,pdf of questions and ppt of lessons with MCQs selected from various resources to give you best learning.
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17) option D
18) option B
19)option C
20)option D
21)option C