 Wanda, a quiet girl, did not talk with others too much. 

She lived at Boggins; Height and belonged to a poor family. 

She wore the same blue dress everyday. 

Peggy and Maddie were good friends and teased Wanda everyday asking her how many dresses she had. 

There was a drawing competition for every boy and girl in the class. 

Everybody expected Peggy to win. 

There were a hundred sketches of dresses beautifully drawn by Wanda in the classroom.

 Miss Mason announced the winner-jack Beggles won among the boys and Wanda among the girls. 

Wanda was absent but everybody clapped for her. 

Peggy and Maddie identified the blue and the green dress once spoken by Wanda.

Everybody in the class
clapped for Wanda’s great quality of drawing.


1 Why did Peggy and Maddie make fun of Wanda?

2 The story is about teasing. It also criticizes ragging and racism indirectly. How does it affect you?