Dear Educators and Students
Below is the latest CBSE sample paper for class XII English Core (301) for the session 2021-22. Here I have presented the questions along with value points as per CLASS -XII- ENGLISH CBSE SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER AND MARKING SCHEME TERM -II (2021-22). Acknowlegement and Resource Source: CBSE.( blog is prepared for the benefit of the students. The value points of the sample questions are placed alongside. HOPE YOU LIKE THE BLOG.For more such blog on lessons and their value points follow my blogpost.
Time allowed: 2 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
SECTION A – READING (14 marks) Marks
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY EIGHT questions from the
nine given below.
1. Cite a point in evidence, from the text, to suggest that the writer’s post Jaws fear was not justified.
(1 mark)Value Points
Not justified as stated in the text that there were only 2 shark attacks reported in 75 years i.e., from 1900 – 1975, so it was highly unlikely that he had anything to fear.
ii. State any one trait of the writer that is evident from lines 5-10 and provide a reason for your choice.
(1 mark)Value Points
Adventurous/ Courageous/ Bold/ Experimental Because he feared the tiger sharks/ was aware of the fact that they were dangerous, yet accepted, as his very first assignment, that required him to face them.
iii. People thought the writer was ‘either brave or very stupid’. Why did some people think that he was ‘very
stupid’? (1 mark)Value Points
because he was risking his life and could be bitten by the sharks as other people were/ side-lined the popular notion that tiger sharks are dangerous/ did not pay due attention to the fact that he was walking into obvious danger without the required expertise
iv. Why does the writer say that people who know sharks intimately tend to be least afraid of them?
(1 mark)Value Points
because they find the sharks to be harmless/ as docile as pets—the sharks feed on the food they offer and seem as docile as pets
v. Rewrite the given sentence by replacing the italicized phrase with another one, from lines 10 – 20……’Some academicians think that reward, as a form of discipline, is a simple right or wrong issue.’ (1 mark)
Value Points
Some academicians think that reward, as a form of discipline, is a simple black and white issue.
vi. What does the use of the phrase ‘benign light’ suggest in the context of the writer’s viewpoint about the
tiger sharks? (1 mark)Value Points
▪ Benign light – viewed as benevolent/ gentle/ friendly
▪ Tiger sharks did not seem to be that harmful/dangerous/
They seemed fairly docile/less dangerous than the other
vii. Select a suitable phrase from lines 15-25 to complete the following sentence appropriately. (1 mark)
I agree the team will find this experience tough, but competing will be easier next time after they get this
tournament ______________.Value Points I agree the team will find this experience tough, but competing will be easier next time after they get this
tournament under their belt.
(line 21)
viii. Apex predators serve to keep prey numbers in check. How can we say that tiger sharks are apex
predators? (1 mark)
Value Points
Because tiger sharks restrict the number of sea turtles (by feeding on them), and act as a balancing force in the ecosystem. If the numbers weren’t constrained, it would result in the depletion of sea-grass which supports other marine life forms
ix. Analyse why having a large litter is one of the features that empowers tiger sharks to emerge winners if
global warming persists. (1 mark)
Value Points
Reduces possibility of extinction or destruction due to harsh conditions, as large numbers would ensure that
some definitely survive.
The survey results report poor food consumption patterns and highlights the need to design healthy eating initiatives. Interestingly, while there were no gender differences in the consumption of legumes and fried snacks, the survey found more females consumed cereals, vegetables and fruits than their male counterparts.
In conclusion, the report suggested that schools ought to incorporate food literacy concepts into their curriculum as they have the potential of increasing the fruit and vegetable intake in teenagers. Additionally, healthy school canteen policies with improved availability, accessibility, variety and affordability of healthy food choices would support the consumption of nutritious food in students.Adapted from:
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY SIX out of the seven
questions given below
i. What do the researchers mean by ‘changing food preferences? (1 mark)
Value Points
Urban population’s transition from healthy home-cooked
meals to ready-to-eat-processed foods
ii. Why was this survey on the food consumption of adolescents undertaken? (1 mark)
Value Points
-understand the food consumption pattern of urban
adolescents and
-make recommendations based on the data.
iii. With reference to fig.1, write one conclusion about students’ consumption of energy-dense drinks.
(1 mark)
Value Points
Close to 47% drink three or more servings of energy dense beverages while a mere 5% said ‘no’ to more than one serving of the beverage.
What do you understand by the term food frequency, as stated in lines 12-13?
Value Point
Refers to the rate of intake of food and beverages (drinks) consumed over a specified period of time. It could even refer to portion size.
iv. What can be concluded by the ‘no intake’ data of fruit consumption versus energy dense snacks, with
reference to fig.1? (1 mark)
Value Points
Nearly half the respondents (45%) did not consume any
servings of fruit in contrast to 95% that had some form of
energy dense snack.
Comment on the significance of incorporating food literacy concepts into student curriculum
It is important because reading about the advantages of a
healthy diet would assist an increased intake of fruits and
vegetables in teenagers
v. There were gender differences observed in the consumption of healthy foods, according to the survey.
Substantiate. (1 mark)
Value Points
Females had more nutritious dietary intake as they consumed more cereals, vegetables and fruits compared to their male counterparts.
vi. Why is ‘affordability’ recommended as a significant feature of a school canteen policy? (1 mark)
Value Points
The consumers are school children and therefore food should be affordable
vii. Identify a word from lines 9 – 17 indicating that the questionnaire was specifically designed to be
completed by a respondent without the intervention of the researcher collecting the data. (1 mark)
Value Points
Value Points
• Reference to invitation
• Acceptance of invitation
• Confirmation of date, time and venue
• Comment on extending assistance
use of appropriate functional language to show
(i) acknowledgement/ gratitude for invite- thank you
(ii) acceptance- would love to / delighted to/nothing can stop me from attending etc.
(iii) confirming assistance- gladly/ goes without saying/ just let me know how I can help/ goes
without saying etc.)
4. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5 Marks
A .You are Shantanu, residing at Ghar B-94, Balimela Road, Malkangiri. You come across
the following classified advertisement in a local daily. Write a letter, in about 120-150
words, applying for the position of a volunteer for the Each One Teach One campaign.
WANTED committed volunteers, aged 18 years and above, to teach underprivileged
children, for one hour a week, in the district of Malkangiri. Ability to speak, read
and write Odiya fluently, important. Experience not necessary. All volunteers to
receive training. Contact Nethra N, Coordinator (Each One Teach One), 4Literacy,
Ambaguda, Malkangiri, Odisha -764045
Value points- Content
• Covering Letter
• Reference to the advertisement
• Conveying suitability for the position
• Submission of application
• Resume / Bio data as separate enclosure
• Profile of self
• Educational Qualifications
• Any other relevant information
B. The efforts of 400 volunteers working with the NGO, 4Literacy, in the district of
Malkangiri, Odisha, was lauded by the District Collector, Shri V. Singh (IAS). As a staff
reporter of ‘The Odisha Bhaskar’, write a report about this in 120-150 words covering
all the details, such as training, teaching and infrastructure involved in the ‘Each One
Teach One’ campaign, initiated by the district administration in association with the
Value Points
• what – the efforts of 400 volunteers in the Each One Teach One campaign lauded by the District
• who were taught and what was taught
• when & where
• details of the volunteer work
• training received by the volunteers by the NGO and district administration
• the infrastructure – classrooms, blackboard etc.
• Any other valid relevant information
i. A mistaken identity led to a discovery of a new one for the rattrap peddler. How did this impact him?
Value Points
• Gave him the power to clear his conscience
• Brought out his latent goodness
Lent him conviction to become a better human/ a
chance at elevating himself from being a thief
• Allowed him the opportunity to behave in a
dignified manner befitting that of a Captain
ii. As the host of a talk show, introduce Rajkumar Shukla to the audience by stating any two of his defining
qualities. You may begin your answer like this:…..Meet Rajkumar Shukla, the man who played a pivotal role in the Champaran Movement. He ……
Value Points
• Determined/ Resolute
• Persevering
• Dedicated
• Any other valid quality
iii. Adrienne Rich chose to express her silent revolt through her poem, Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers, just as Aunt
Jennifer did with her embroidery. Explain.
Value Points
Adrienne Rich, through her poem, criticizes the traditional institution of marriage, in her times, suggesting that it oppresses women. Similarly, Aunt Jennifer, a victim of an unhappy marriage, under a domineering husband, chooses embroidery to vent her angst. Both use their creative outlet as a form of protest against
societal expectations.
iv. Rationalize why Keats uses the metaphor ‘an endless fountain of immortal drink’ in his poem, A Thing of
Value Points
• Things of beauty are just like the immortal drink of the gods that flow continuously and never die
• Just as the endless fountain of immortality is an elixirof life, similarly things of beauty are constant/
perennial in providing everlasting joy/ motivation/bliss
v. How do you think Derry’s mother contributes to his sense of alienation and isolation? (On the Face of It)
Value Points
• Mother is overprotective and doesn’t understand her son’s longing for companionship.
• She treats him with a sense of pity and robs him of his dignity by perpetually treating him like a helpless
vi. Validate John Updike’s open-ended title, Should Wizard Hit Mommy?
Value Points
The story title is a question that suggests agreeing with Jo, who believes in justice for the skunk, or the father, who believes that mothers cannot err. Both seem right. The author leaves it open-ended for the reader to allow flexibility and creative insight (any other valid purpose)
6 (i). How does Keats’ poem, A Thing of Beauty appeal richly to the senses, stimulating the reader’s inner
sight as well as the sense of touch and smell? Write your answer in about 120-150 words.
Value Points
Keats’ descriptions allow for a deeper perception of the imaginary, converting it into a life-like experience stimulating the reader’s inner sight as well as the sense of touch and smell. Justification Keats establishes this with powerful imagery and word play .The cooling comfort of the bower, dancing daffodils in its green environs, the babbling stream and the mid-forest brake with the musk rose blooms evoke our imagination, sense of hearing, touch and smell. The stories of mighty and the doom that befalls them appeals to our intellect The endless fountain may be an allusion of the fountain of youth however it has a sublimating effect on the reader. Keats poetic descriptions presents beauty that appeals to our senses and gives delight.
Stanza-wise Explanation of The Tale of Custard the Dragon by Ogden Nash Stanza 1: “Belinda…