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Dear students and teachers here’s the wonderful explanation of the Poem-Keeping Quiet by the Expert Team of Directorate of Education.
1. What can human beings learn from nature?
(a) beauty
(b) keeping quiet
(c) to be happy
(d) working in silence
Answer: (d) working in silence
2. The last line of the poem is
(a) and later proves to be alive
(b) life is what it is about
(c) I want no truck with death
(d) and you keep quiet and I will go
Answer: (d) and you keep quiet and I will go
3. What is the poetic device used in ‘Cold sea’
(a) personification
(b) transferred epithet
(c) metaphor
(d) alliteration
Answer: (b) transferred epithet
4. ‘Without rush, without engines’ refers to
(a) no noise
(b) no hurry to go anywhere
(c) both a and b
(d) none of the above
Answer: both a and b
5. ‘I want no truck with death’ means
(a) will not die of the truck accident
(b) will not struggle for death
(c) have no association or deal with death
(d) will not drive a truck
Answer: (c) have no association or deal with death
6. The type of wars the poet talks about are
(a) green wars, wars with gas, wars with fire
(b) verbal wars
(c) technological warfare
(d) nuclear wars
Answer: (a) green wars, wars with gas, wars with fire
7. ‘Fishermen in the cold sea would not harm whales. The poet is here referring to
(a) The hard work of the fishermen
(b) The man being responsible for harming environment
(c) The man being responsible for extinction of marine life
(d) He considers fishing a tiring profession
Answer: The man being responsible for extinction of marine life
8. Why does the poet appeal to the readers to keep quiet ?
(a) To bring peace to the world
(b) To unite the world
(c) To introspect and reflect
(d) To remain inactive
Answer: To introspect and reflect
9. What symbol from nature does the poet use to prove that keeping quiet is not total inactivity?
(a) sun
(b) soil
(c) earth
(d) nature
Answer: earth
10. How will silence benefit the man and nature?
(a) both will be friends
(b) man will know nature better
(c) man will be healthy
(d) man will stop hurting nature and nature would get time to revive
Answer: (d) man will stop hurting nature and nature would get time to revive
11. What would everyone feel at that exotic moment?
(a) happy
(b) content
(c) peaceful
(d) strange blissful oneness
Answer: (d) strange blissful oneness
12. Why is the poet asking everyone not to speak any language?
(a) to avoid noise
(b) to avoid people
(c) to avoid wars
(d) to avoid conflicts and misunderstanding
Answer: (d) to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings
13. What is the sadness in the poem that the poet speaks about?
(a) Conflict with our ownseleves
(b) Fear of Death
(c) Not clear of the purpose of our existence
(d) All of these
Answer: All of these
14. What does hurt hand refer to?
(a) Growing needs of the man
(b) Unfulfilled desires
(c) Growing greed of man
(d) Growing insensitivity of man to pain
Answer: (d) growing insensitivity of man to pain
16. What does the title of the poem suggest?
(a) inactivity
(b) noise
(c) unhappiness
(d) maintenance of silence
Answer: (d) maintenance of silence
17. How does the poet perceive life?
(a) as stillness
(b) as silence
(c) a continuous evolution of nature
(d) a noisy place
Answer: (c) a continuous evolution of nature
18. What is the rhyming scheme used in the poem?
(a) enclosed rhyme
(b) monorhyme
(c) sonnet
(d) free verse
Answer: (d) free verse
19. What is the essence or message of the poem?
(a) Introspection and retrospection to be more peaceful and be in harmony
(b) To prosper
(c) To be happier
(d) To reach out to more people
Answer: (a) Introspection and retrospection to be more peaceful and be in harmony
20. Statement 1: The poet appeals to all to remain quiet for sometime.
Statement 2: The poet does not appeal to anyone to be inactive.
a. Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false.
b. Statement 2 is true but statement 1 is false.
c. Both the statements are true.
d. Both the statements are false.
Subject: English
Flamingo– Poem-3 Keeping Quiet
Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow each:
1. Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still.
(a)Name the poem and the poet of these lines.
(b)Why does the poet ask us to count to twelve?
(c)Why does the poet ask us to keep still?
(d) Find words from the passage which mean.
(ii) say number (iii) quiet and motionless.
(a)The name of the poem is Keeping Quiet. The name of the poet is Pablo Neruda.
(b)There are only twelve signs on the clock to measure hours. Therefore, the poet asks us to count till the clock measures these horns.
(c)Too much activity and rush has only brought misfortunes to mankind. Hence, it is better to be quiet and still.
(d) (i) count (ii) still
2. For once on the face of the Earth let’s not speak in any language, let’s stop for one second,
and not move our arms so much.
(a)Name the poem and the poet of these lines.
(b)‘Let’s not speak in any language’, says the poet. Why?
(c)What should we not do for a second?
(d) What do you understand by ‘the face of the Earth ?
(a)The name of the poem is Keeping Quiet. The poet is Pablo Neruda.
(b)The people of the world have been indulging in wars and bloodsheds on minor excuses. If they keep quiet, they may not indulge in reasoning, disputes and quarrels. So, let them keep quiet and not speak in any language. This will ensure peace and prosperity.
(c)We should cease all activities for a second. Man has used his arms only to kill and destroy others. Therefore, let them not move their arms so much as to harm others.
(d) The expression “the face of the Earth’ refers to the various countries on the surface of the earth.
3. It would be an exotic moment without rush, without engines, we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness.
(a)Name the poem and the poet of these lines.
(b)What will happen if there is no rush or running of engines?
(c)What sort of moment will it be?
(d)How would all of us feel at that moment?
(a)The name of the poem is Keeping Quiet. The poet is Pablo Neruda.
(b)There will be peace all around if there is no rush or the sound of the running of engines and machines.
(c)It will be a very enticing and beautiful moment.
(d) All of us will enjoy the unusualness and sudden strangeness of that moment.
4. Fishermen in the cold sea would not harm whales and the man gathering salt
would look at his hurt hands.
(a)What do fishermen usually do in the cold sea?
(b)What does the poet ask fishermen not to do?
(c)What has happened to the man gathering salt?
(d) What should the man gathering salt do?
(a)Fishermen usually catch fish, particularly whales, in the cold seas.
(b)The poet asks fishermen not to hurt or injure the whales in the seas.
(c)The man gathering salt has injured his hands.
(d)He must take care of his hurt hands.
5. Those who prepare green wars,
wars with gas, wars with fire,
victory with no survivors,
would put on clean clothes
and walk about with their
in the shade, doing nothing.
(a)Name the poem and the poet of these lines.
(b)What sort of wars are mentioned in the above lines?
(c)What kind of victory will it be?
(d) How should the lovers of war behave?
(а)The name of the poem is Keeping Quiet. The poet is Pablo Neruda.
(b)Green wars, wars with poisonous gases and wars with the fire are the different kinds of wars.
(c) It will be a victory where no survivors will be left to celebrate it. Such a victory will be meaningless.
(d) They should put on clean clothes and walk with their brothers under the trees leisurely doing nothing.
6. What I want should not be confused
with total inactivity. i Life is what it is about;
I want no truck with death.
If we were not so single-minded
about keeping our lives moving,
and for once could do nothing,
perhaps a huge silence
might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves and of threatening ourselves with
(a)What does the poet want? What should it not be confused with?
(b)Explain: 7 want no truck with death’.
(c)What do people pursue single-mindedly? Which is the better course the poet suggests?
(d)When can a huge silence do us good?
(а)The poet is advocating for silence or stillness. Stillness should not be confused with total inactivity.
(b)Total inactivity brings death. The poet refuses to associate (or deal) with death. Thus, he is not advocating for death.
(c)People pursue single-mindedly on keeping their lives moving. ..The poet suggests that it would be better if they give themselves rest for sometime. For once they may do nothing.
(d)A huge silence can do us a lot of good when we are disappointed at not understanding ourselves or threatening ourselves with death.
7. Perhaps the Earth can teach us as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive.
Now I’ll count up to twelve
and you keep quiet and I will go.
(a)What can the Earth teach us?
(b)What remains alive when everything seems dead?
(c)Who is the poet? What does he want to do?
(d)What does the poet ask us to do?
‘(a) The earth can teach us a lesson how to live on it.
(b)Only the earth remains alive when everything seems dead.
(c) The poet is Pablo Neruda. He wants to count upto twelve.
(d) He asks us to keep quiet while he is counting upto twelve.
Dear Friends:
Resources ABOVE are collected from various sources for the purpose of teaching and learning for Students and teachers in the times of pandemic. We acknowledge and thank all the resources.Any inadvertent error will be rectified.
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